Can a Battle be Won Without a Gun?
Guns seem to be booming everywhere - Iraq, Israel, Sudan, SriLanka.....and in our neighbourhoods. What are people fighting for? Must be something very important to them, if they are ready to hurt each other, shed blood and take lives. But can their battle be won without the gunfire and bloodshed? Can bullies be tamed without a fist fight?
Mk Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Desmond
Tutu are some real life heroes who took a different approach - Nonviolence. How much do you know about them? Can you identify their pictures? Do you Know which nonviolent means of protest did each one use - civil disobedience, satyagraha, non-cooperation or hunger strike? Click on the photos to see if your guess was right and read their story.
Mk Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, Desmond

How effective is this weapon that does'nt hurt anyone but wins battles? [Play some games], [A Force More Powerful- Game]
If you decide to take the nonviolence approach to solving your problems and creating social change .....what key things you need to keep in mind? [Lessons
to remember]

What can you do? Why not start by making small changes in the way you respond to situations. You could even start a group with other friends like the Peace Leadership Clubs.
Have you read about the brave man who stood alone infront of a fleet of tanks?
[TIME's 100 Leaders & Revolutionaries]
[TIME's 100 Leaders & Revolutionaries]