The Young world
How many young people are there in the world?
About one billion 12 to 18-year-olds.
Where are the maximum number of young people?
Almost nine out of 10 live in developing countries. The proportion of young people per country is highest in Africa and lowest in Europe. In Uganda 57% of people are under 18. In Italy, Greece and Spain they are 17% of the population.
This generation has the highest percentage of literates!
But still, 57 million young men and 96 million young women (aged 15-24) in developing countries cannot read or write.
What are the key concerns facing the young today?
Terrorism, war, education, employment, health, crime, global population......

This generation inherits a world that is well connected but divided; prosperous but not secure; unlimited choices but increasing obesity, heart attacks, diabetes, HIV AIDS; hi-tech gadgets and global warming............many challenges but a strong will to overcome.
Last year, Global Youth Fund launched the 'This I Believe' project to provide space for us to share our personal beliefs, philosophies and core values with each other. Young people from all over the world have written in and continue to write about what they stand for. You can write in too [Global Youth Fund's This I Believe]