Sometimes, the little white rabbit was left all alone by his brothers and sisters and even by his friends just because he was all white. Nobody wanted to play with him because he was a different colour. And this made him very sad. Sometimes the others also poked fun at him because he was smaller than all of them. They said nasty things that hurt his little heart. When evening came and the sun gave way to the moon, the little white rabbit could not sleep because his brothers and sisters teased him. They nibbled his little ears, pinched his paws, slapped his back and tickled his little neck. The little white rabbit hated this. It hurt because he did not know what to do. He watched the shadows of animals wandering in the night and felt sad. He dreamt of living in harmony. He dreamt of a better life.
One morning the little white rabbit who was fed up with all this squabbling decided to go for a walk deep in the forest. While he was walking the little white rabbit hoped he would meet someone who could help him live in harmony and be free of his suffering and anger. After walking for a long time through the forest the he walked past a fox’s lair. He knew that the fox was crafty so he decided to ask his advice.
"Hello Mr Fox. I am the little white rabbit and I want to live in peace. You’re crafty, could you tell me what I should do?" 
After listening to the little white rabbit’s story the crafty Fox said to him - "I think it’s very good that you are trying to live in peace, to find solutions to the conflicts in your life. When I was young I wasn’t as crafty as I am today. Time has taught me to be calmer. Now when I am in a squabble, when somebody hurts me or doesn’t think the way I do, I breathe very deeply, I imagine a blue light around me, it helps me to regain my calm. When I am calm like that, I can speak without arguing to resolve the conflict."
Happy with the advice, the little white rabbit thanked the crafty Fox and went off into the forest. Smiling, the crafty Fox called after him: "Remember, you can take three deep breaths to keep calm. That will get rid of your suffering and your anger and will make you happier. You breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, my little white friend."
A little further on, the little white rabbit met Mrs. Owl. He had already heard of her. The other animals in the forest said she was very gentle. He decided to ask her advice. "Hello, Mrs Owl! I am the little white rabbit and I want to live in peace. Could you give me some advice because I have heard you never squabble."
"Oh, you kn
ow, I do sometimes squabble. But I always try to solve the problem by talking to the other person. I take the time to understand what the problem between us is, to see how we feel, what we want to change or improve. Together we find solutions to put an end to the squabble. Then we find the best solution, the one that suits us both best.""And so that’s how you can live in peace?"
"Yes, that’s it. Remember, the clue is that you can talk to find solutions and you know it works!"The little white rabbit thanked Mrs. Owl and went on his way. He was happy he had learnt this new trick. After a while he bumped into the young Lynx. This little wild cat was famous
for being a good listener.
"Hello, Mr. Lynx! I am the little white rabbit and I want to live in peace. Can you help me?"The young Lynx looked at him and said
"With my Lynx eyes I can see things
that are invisible. I know you are looking for ways to live in peace, so listen! In the past I kept things that bothered me inside; I was often angry and sad. I thought about no one but myself. Today, you see, I can say what I think, what I want and how I feel. On top of that, I ask others how they see things, what they want and what they feel in their hearts. In this way I can live in peace and so can the others. Now you know that it’s by considering yourself and others that you will avoid squabbles and be able to live in a happier world."
The little white rabbit thanked the young Lynx and went home. When he was nearly home he met some of his friends who once again teased him, said nasty things, poked fun at him because he was so little and of a different colour from them.
The little white rabbit took three deep breaths and imagined a blue light around him. Feeling calm, he headed for the youngest ones to have a word with them. He asked them why they were doing that and told them that what they said made him sad. He told them how he wanted to be treated too. Together they found a solution that they were all happy with. Once the conflict was settled, the little white rabbit went home.
He told his parents about his adventure and how he could remain calm by following Mr

. Fox’s advice, how he could speak to settle arguments as Mrs. Owl had explained to him, how he could consider himself and others to live in peace as the young Lynx had suggested. His parents listened carefully and congratulated him. That night the little white rabbit had wonderful dreams because he now lived in a world where there was a little more peace.
Did you like the story? Do you also feel like the little white rabbit when someone hurts you? Do you remember the tricks he learnt?